Crosswords with the answer 'charo'

Crossword clues for the answer 'charo'

Here are a list of crosswords and crossword clues where the answer is charo. We take a large list of crossword puzzles and find the most common useful answers to crossword clues to provide for our Crossword Solver.

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NY Times, Saturday, July 16, 199412 across Single-named nightclub star
NY Times, Tuesday, August 02, 19949 downMaria Rosario Pilar Martinez
NY Times, Thu, Nov 23, 199515 across Single-named music star
Choices, Choices40 downOne-named actress
NY Times, Tue, Oct 20, 199848 across An ex of Xavier
FOLLOWING ORDERS100 downSingle-named singer
NY Times, Tue, Sep 25, 200115 downOne-named singer
GOING ALL OUT7 downOne-named Spanish singer/actress
PUTTING ON SOME WEIGHT107 downSinger with Xavier Cugat
ON A ROLL91 downOne-named singer/actress

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