Crosswords with the answer 'softc'

Crossword clues for the answer 'softc'

Here are a list of crosswords and crossword clues where the answer is softc. We take a large list of crossword puzzles and find the most common useful answers to crossword clues to provide for our Crossword Solver.

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NY Times, Wed, Jan 05, 200042 across Central opening?
NY Times, Thu, Mar 08, 200131 across What a cedilla indicates
COMPONENTS125 across Head of circulation?
NY Times, Thu, Apr 28, 200521 across Centipede's head?
LIGHTHEADED104 downCentaur's head?
NY Times, Tue, Sep 16, 200812 downThe first letter of "circle" (but not the fourth)
CHANGE OF HEART60 downCeylon's capital?
NY Times, Wed, Sep 01, 201020 across Third of December?

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