Crosswords with the answer 'sonnets'
Crossword clues for the answer 'sonnets'
Here are a list of crosswords and crossword clues where the answer is sonnets. We take a large list of crossword puzzles and find the most common useful answers to crossword clues to provide for our Crossword Solver.
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Crossword | Position | Answer |
Overcrowding | 103 down | Browning works |
NY Times, Wednesday, December 28, 1994 | 28 across | Petrarch products |
Family Films | 96 down | Shakespearean works |
NEWSPAPER DIRECTORY | 17 down | 14-liners |
NY Times, Fri, Sep 07, 2007 | 43 down | "The New Colossus" and the like |
FLIP-FLOPS | 54 down | Milton works |